Saturday, March 1, 2008

It's making too much sense! Make it stop!!!

These little clicky-head guys are the coolest things I have ever seen in my entire life.

Anyway, Princess Mononoke was an amazing movie.
I easily enjoyed it the most out of all Miyazaki's movies, but the one thing that really stood out was that it made some sense. It, instead of throwing in random characters like the rolling heads in Spirited Away and the top-hat ghost things in Howl's Moving Castle, actually uses meaningful characters and relates to a contemporary issue, protection of the environment. It, however, does it with spunk. Lots and lots of spunk. Everything is a spirit and there is a lot of random battle and slaughter. For example, the main character punk kid shoots a bunch of guys with his bow. He hits them all in the neck. What do these arrow heads each less than an inch wide do? Well, they knock the guys' heads clean off. Honestly, what the hell? I guess I'd better watch out for arrows or my head's gonna come flying off too.

The coolest part of the movie, though, is these awesome little clicky guys pictured above. Basically, they're these little things that randomly run around and click their heads. They ride on each others' heads, jump around, and appear from trees. There is also a random shot of thousands of them clicking at once. How awesome is that?


Bruno said...

To answer your question, it is awesome enough. But yeah, the main thing that stands out in this movie when comparing it to the other movies we watched is that it makes more sense. Go figure. I'm also going to have to agree with you, this movie was my favorite of the three we watched too. It's just a lot easier to follow and enjoy, you don't have to be like "Wait....what?" all the time in this movie. I mean sure, there are moments like that, but not nearly as much as the other two movies.

DarkNovaBlade said...

Yeah, one point I expected you to make (but you didn't) was that even the random critters went on to have meaning (as mentioned in my post), so the entire movie was not only logical, but also deep... or something

FlameBurger said...

What Bruno said. I agree verbatim...except your lack of what Vince said...which he pointed out. Agh! You guys need to stop thinking what I think! There is nothing to argue about! jk, but seriously :)

Anonymous said...

the arrows cut there heads off because of the demon on him and the tree spirits do have meaning they are the guardians of the forest