Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let's Hitchcock it up.

Here in this wonderful portrait, Hitchcock is trying to impersonate Doctor Evil but is having a bit of trouble, namely using the wrong finger.

Anyway, I must say I was pleasantly surprised with Hitchcock's movies, because before now I had thought of him as some old director of bad horror movies (Psycho and/or The Birds). After seeing 3 of his movies, I can actually say that I really enjoyed them despite how old they are.

He has a very unique style that I really found interesting and I particularly liked his tendency to prefer suspense to surprise, and this was very apparently in Rear Window, when Girlie Sue is in Thorwald's apartment and we see him walking down the hallway to his apartment, I was genuinely wondering what was going to happen. This is obviously different from other directors because in their movies I know the main character is invincible and everything will be peachy in the end. Hitchcock changed that, and it was a very refreshing change of pace.

What kinda creeped me out is Hitchcock's disturbing obsession with stalking and "smart blonds". Hmmm...

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