Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's kill off all the main characters!

You know those are cool sunglasses.

Akira Kurosawa is actually pretty good. I knew he was good from the start, but as usual I was pleasantly surprised. Again.

Anyway, I'd say Yojimbo was my favorite movie of his, followed by Ran, with "Stray Dog" not even making the list. That loud panting in the main menu of "Stray Dog" made me cringe and the movie didn't do much to alleviate that. Anyway, I can't get enough of the theme song in Yojimbo, the one that plays whenever the samurai guy is rollin' down the street looking for stuff to cut up. I just can't get enough of that. For example, when he walks up to the "badass" bad guys and cuts up about four of em, he just calls em cute, cuts em all up, and walks away with his awesome theme song playing. How cool is that?

The best part, though, is the bad guy who... well, I'll just let the scene speak for itself. The coffin guy tells him that there were four coffins made for the opposing "family", and two for his. He holds up two fingers, counts on them, and about five seconds later he says "Good, good." How awesome is that? He also helps carry Sanjuro to safety, despite trying to kill him. I'm telling you, the guy's beyond awesome. He's super special awesome.


DarkNovaBlade said...

dude... basically all you said in your post was "Yojimbo was sweet cuz I like stuff being cut up with theme songs"
I really expected you to mention the guy with the gun being all gangster (no, not yakuza) style and thinking he was the coolest.
I didn't even see the word thugster!!!

Bruno said...

Ok, first of all, those sunglasses ARE awesome. Also, the guy you talked about in the last paragraph has some definite skill, and by skill I mean he has no idea what is going on and I can't figure out why you would want to associate yourself with him. Anyway, I too was impressed by Yojimbo, and more than anything else the music was what stood out to me the most, that and the various funny bits like Sanjuro telling the guy who tells the time to hang himself.

Waylon T. said...

Yeah... the younger brother wasn't too bright was he? He was cool and all, but they never showed him get killed like his older brother. I expected him to do something funny before he died, maybe Kurosawa forgot? Nice blog post.