Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Go away, you damn ghost things!

Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away was trippy, dude. Far out. I know I'm going to be blasted as "racist" for this, but as far as I have seen, 99% of Japanese things are completely crazy and make about one atom of sense. Commercials, movies, game shows, you name it. It's all crazy and looking at it for more than a second or so would give nearly anyone a siezure. Spirited away was no different.

Basically, a girl, Chihiro, on a car trip with her parents, randomly finds an abandoned theme park and is transported to a very... interesting spirit world bathhouse thing. She then has to go on a quest to bring back her parents who were (of course) turned into pigs. There are chicken people, frog people, rolling decapitated heads, a cannibalistic blob who can spawn gold, and a skeleton who barfs up a junkyard and can fly. What else? Anyway, Chihiro outsmarts the evil witch who runs the bathhouse and is randomly transported back where she started.

Hayao Miyazaki obviously has a very "unique" style. Spirited Away is a great movie, I'll grant it that, but the setting was nothing less than a psychedelic wonderland and frankly it made no sense. I could easily sit here for several hours and tear the movie apart for that, but that was the purpose of the movie methinks. It's just an escape from having to have everything make sense.

On IMDB, Spirited Away got an 8.5 out of 10 and is the 56th best movie on there according to viewers. I'd say they agree with me that it's a damn good movie.


FlameBurger said...

After actually thinking about the movie, I noticed something: All of the characters are not what they seem at first. For example: The crazy 6-arm guy seems like an ass at first, but he helps her in the end. The "uh,uh" creepy ghost thing seems friendly at first, but then eats everybody. The huge grandma person has a twin with an opposite personality that helps the main character throughout the film. Both of the other actual people change a lot, too. So yeah, there actually was a shred of method to the madness!

Bruno said...

"Trippy" is a good way to describe this movie. I also liked your point that it makes hardly any sense, but that it probably wasn't supposed to. It's strange that such a nonsensical movie can make such a good movie, but again that is half of what makes it good. It really is an escape from reality which simply makes it a lot of fun to watch.

DarkNovaBlade said...

You've got to admit, English fantasy/fairy tale stuff doesn't make a ton of sense...
also... your analysis confused me more! it was an amusement park? But yeah, you have to admit, if some guy from Japan watched a movie that had stuff from English fairy tale stuff like a random egg man who is suicidal it would probably seem strange to him too.
also sry for late post, my internets dropped out last night
wait... isn't that the exact same post ian made on my thing...??? WORD FOR WORD?

Knowlton said...

It's called being a lazy bastard and/or Ian, yo.