Monday, February 18, 2008

Now the ghosts have top hats.

Well now. In Spirited Away I was trippin' out and wondering what in the name of jackassery was going on, but now in Howl's Moving Castle, I was wondering why time didn't matter anymore.

Take Girlie Sue, for example. She starts out at maybe 20 years old. Some amoeba/witch thing puts a curse on her and she wakes up at like 30,000 years old. We can see that this is somewhat possible assuming that witches can cast spells and stuff. It gets better, though. She becomes a very feminine wizard's cleaning lady at the request of the complete studmuffin/fire thing/garbage disposal/loudmouth above. Anyway, she randomly becomes younger, maybe 60 years old, doesn't hunch over to 2 feet tall anymore, and has a somewhat normal voice. Then, the wizard randomly walks into the closet and there she is, sleeping, 20 years old again. He runs away screaming (not really) and she becomes 30,000 years old again the next morning. This happens maybe half a dozen times in the movie and by the end she's back to her old self, except she has gray hair for no reason. Yeah. Don't ask.

Howl's moving castle has an enjoyable cast of confusing characters. We've got the same old ghost blob things, but this time they have top hats. (How cool is that?) We've got a scarecrow pogo stick turnip thing, we've got an old woman race to the top of stairs and one of them melts on the way up. There are also a squeaking, obese dog that can fly with its ears, an amoeba person, a feminine wizard who turns to goo when he has an emo attack, and awesome guys who run around carrying a blob in a box.

Case in point: Dubbya tee eff is going on here?

My purpose in life is now to find out what Miyazaki is smoking.


Bruno said...

Basically to comment on the whole "time doesn't matter" thing, I've decided that each character must have had their own time/ Something like that. Anyway, there seems to be no reasoning behind her random age changes, you might say "oh well when she is feeling this certain way she is younger, but when she feels like this she's older". I doubt it. I explored that idea while watching the movie, but I don't think it applies. It's just completely arbitrary.

DarkNovaBlade said...

Clearly her age had something to do with concious thought.
No, seriously, whenever she like, tried to lie to someone (and was all terrible at it) she was all old, but when she started to go on rants about how great howl was she became all young-ish. I've got to say it's either that or something to do with love (since thats the big curse breaker it seems) but that wouldn't explain her youth while asleep, now would it...?