Thursday, April 17, 2008

Robert "Old Man"

I actually enjoyed Altman's movies, although I did despise Nashville in pretty much every way imaginable. The Long Goodbye, for example, had a really great cast. The Elliot Gould character was classic with his mumbling and grumbling, and who can resist throwing a coke bottle at a woman's face to make a point?

Nashville, on the other hand, really bothered me. Not only did it lack a clear plot one could follow, it had a completely unnecessarily large number of side-plots to keep track of. Tack the fact that they're completely pointless, full of hicks and badly done country music, and depressing, and you have yourself the most revered movie of the 70s! It's an instant classic!

The Player I did like though. It had an interesting PLOT, not PLOTS, and was full of murder, intrigue, money, Bruce Willis, and completely unnecessary sex scenes. All the ingredients for a classic.

Altman's directing style was annoying in some parts, though. In The Long Goodbye, I wasn't exactly overjoyed to randomly see two dogs humping in the street or a bunch of stoned chicks asking for cake mix - chocolate and vanilla, of course - and a random strip tease by Suleen Gay.


DarkNovaBlade said...

I have to say, I think the player was decent, but you made it sound awesome, like the long goodbye
also it was chocolate and the fudge kind for the brownies
also, in comparison to the random sex scene in Fargo, the sex scenes in Altman's movies seem less random and more like a major plot point!

Anonymous said...

I agree that altmans movies are decent, but i differ with you when it comes to Nashville. I kinda liked that movie even though it got boring at times. It strangly captivated my attention even though absolutely nothing was going on. pretty good show htough