Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kiss Me Deadly, damnit!

What a terrible movie.

Christina, or whatever her name was, was hideous and she sounded like she was sexually aroused during the opening credits. What kind of impression did the director think that was going to give? Certainly not a positive one.

Her roommate was irritating. Her voice was nasal and she was annoying as hell. At least she turned evil in the end and died, but the flame "special effects" were abysmal.

Now, why did they have to kill Nick off? He was the coolest character in the entire movie. When he died, I stopped really paying attention to the movie, because there was no longer any "va va voom!" to keep me interested.

What the hell is up with a nuke in a box? If I recall, it's one explosion and then radioactive decay sets in. There's no way there is a continued source of radioactive energy, and even if there was one, it wouldn't fit inside a small, wood box. The box would be made of lead... and whoever saw it would get severe burns all over their body and get radiation sickness as their bodies slowly but surely shut down from internal damage. They wouldn't start screaming and stand there as a flame is superimposed in front of them. Honestly.

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