Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Double Indemnity!?

Double Indemnity wasn't that great of a movie, but it had a decent plot. At least it had murder, sex, and money, but there weren't enough stereotypical thugsters like the one on the left here. Therefore, it can at best be a decent movie.

Although Phyllis was a complete and utter whore, she added spunk to the movie and at least dies at the end, also causing the death of the other scumbag main character, Walter Neff.

Anyway, I can't help but wonder why film noir loves those lined shades. It doesn't really give an effect, it just distracts the viewer from who happens to be getting murdered at any given point in time. Film noir would have far more spunk if people got murdered in pitch-black rooms, so the viewer would have NO idea what the hell's going on until the movie's over. They'd be confused, but movies are usually considered good if the audience is left wondering what the hell just happened.

1 comment:

DarkNovaBlade said...

Sweet inflatable gun, although I have to say, even though your picture makes a good point about the lack of "thugsters" I think it would have been better to have put a random contract of no particular interest as a picture, as it would have better reflected the mood of the film, boring, yet intriguing, predictable, yet full of unexpected "I also get your soul" messages in the fine print.