Friday, May 2, 2008

Anton Sugar is coming for you.

All three of the Coen Bros. movies we watched were simply amazing.

In no other movies can you find being chased by dogs after raiding a convenience store for some Huggies, a guy randomly being put into a wood chipper, or a badass guy with a massive silenced shotgun, and bad haitcut, and a last name sounding peculiarly like sugar.

I couldn't really say I liked one of the Coen movies more than the others, although I did enjoy Raising Arizona and No Country more than I did Fargo. It's just that Raising Arizona was a comedy while Fargo was not, and No Country was simply Fargo but better in nearly every way. Maybe it was the bothersome accents that put me off, or maybe it was the forbidding landscape. I dunno.

I did think it was interesting how the main character in No Country randomly got killed by some Mexican drug dealers about halfway through the movie. When a main character dies (which is rarely), he takes about 40 minutes to die in the arms of his comrade, says a few sappy last words, and croaks. Not Llewyn Moss, though. We just walk in and he's just on the floor, filled full of lead, and we switch to a new main character. Very unconventional and refreshing. He was starting to annoy me anyway.

"Hey, you still got your damn shirt!"


FlameBurger said...

Lol, "haitcut."

But seriously, you have some good points. I basically agree with you on most of it, but I'll have to disagree with you on Fargo, however, as i enjoyed it quite a bit. The characters were quite charming, albeit with annoying-as-"heck" accents, and Marge's comments are never anything short of hilarious. See: "I dunno if you've done your police work just right" or something of the like. Good post all around, though, you betcha'. Darn tootin'!

Bruno said...

I really like what you said about No Country for Old Men. I think what I liked best about it was the "unconvential-ness" of it. I was surprised to see the main character get killed off screen, but I think it added a lot to the movie. I like it when a movie is unpredictable, what I really hate in a movie is when I can say "oh, that guy is gonna die right now" and then I'm right.

DarkNovaBlade said...

I believe you mean "forboding" not "forbidding", but, yeah, I've got to say, you know how to kill a main character, although, admittedly, sometimes they do just kind of dissapear into nothingness, only leaving hints as to where they might have gone.

Anonymous said...

i am indifferent with the killing of Moss in no country for old men. Its true it was new and refreshing, but i thought it was annoying that i didnt even know the mexicans killed him until someone told me.

SEO-PRO said...

no country is a great film. Some unexpected twists and turns and an original story. Not the kind of film you get very often!