Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's kill off all the main characters!

You know those are cool sunglasses.

Akira Kurosawa is actually pretty good. I knew he was good from the start, but as usual I was pleasantly surprised. Again.

Anyway, I'd say Yojimbo was my favorite movie of his, followed by Ran, with "Stray Dog" not even making the list. That loud panting in the main menu of "Stray Dog" made me cringe and the movie didn't do much to alleviate that. Anyway, I can't get enough of the theme song in Yojimbo, the one that plays whenever the samurai guy is rollin' down the street looking for stuff to cut up. I just can't get enough of that. For example, when he walks up to the "badass" bad guys and cuts up about four of em, he just calls em cute, cuts em all up, and walks away with his awesome theme song playing. How cool is that?

The best part, though, is the bad guy who... well, I'll just let the scene speak for itself. The coffin guy tells him that there were four coffins made for the opposing "family", and two for his. He holds up two fingers, counts on them, and about five seconds later he says "Good, good." How awesome is that? He also helps carry Sanjuro to safety, despite trying to kill him. I'm telling you, the guy's beyond awesome. He's super special awesome.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

It's making too much sense! Make it stop!!!

These little clicky-head guys are the coolest things I have ever seen in my entire life.

Anyway, Princess Mononoke was an amazing movie.
I easily enjoyed it the most out of all Miyazaki's movies, but the one thing that really stood out was that it made some sense. It, instead of throwing in random characters like the rolling heads in Spirited Away and the top-hat ghost things in Howl's Moving Castle, actually uses meaningful characters and relates to a contemporary issue, protection of the environment. It, however, does it with spunk. Lots and lots of spunk. Everything is a spirit and there is a lot of random battle and slaughter. For example, the main character punk kid shoots a bunch of guys with his bow. He hits them all in the neck. What do these arrow heads each less than an inch wide do? Well, they knock the guys' heads clean off. Honestly, what the hell? I guess I'd better watch out for arrows or my head's gonna come flying off too.

The coolest part of the movie, though, is these awesome little clicky guys pictured above. Basically, they're these little things that randomly run around and click their heads. They ride on each others' heads, jump around, and appear from trees. There is also a random shot of thousands of them clicking at once. How awesome is that?