Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Battle of Algiers

I read this review for The Battle of Algiers.

The author makes a good point in that we are facing the same situation in Iraq as the French faced in Algeria in the 50s. The enemy cannot be beaten if they can't be found with ethical means. That's why resistance groups are so potent despite their lack of resources, skills, or strength. They fight dirty, kill civilians, but are protected by the fact that nations can't make any low blows. That's like a midget with a minigun vs. an 8 foot tall, 500 pound guy with a plastic spoon and both arms tied behind his back by the UN.

My opinion is this. If you're going to fight a war with rubber bullets, you might as well not fight the war at all. Either pull out or do what needs to be done to win. Otherwise, you're just getting people killed and wasting money.

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