Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Do the Right Thing, eh?

Buggin' Out here basically results in the death of one of his comrades because of his incredibly obstinate nature and desire to pick fights in general.

As he showed with a white biker who accidentally ran over his shoes yet apologized or it, Buggin' Out insists on picking fights with all the whites around him.

Buggin' Out also sparks an argument with Sal because there aren't any blacks on his wall of famous Italian-Americans. It's Sal's shop and Sal has the right to do anything he wants in his shop. If I recall correctly, Italian-Americans are almost completely white, as Italy played almost no part in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Telling Sal to have a correct percentage of black people on the wall is telling him to model his wall after the racial makeup of the country, but race is only one aspect of a person. That's like calling Sal discriminatory for not having the correct number of people above 5'10", the correct number of people with chicken pox, or the correct number of people with health insurance. The entire concept is absurd.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Battle of Algiers

I read this review for The Battle of Algiers.

The author makes a good point in that we are facing the same situation in Iraq as the French faced in Algeria in the 50s. The enemy cannot be beaten if they can't be found with ethical means. That's why resistance groups are so potent despite their lack of resources, skills, or strength. They fight dirty, kill civilians, but are protected by the fact that nations can't make any low blows. That's like a midget with a minigun vs. an 8 foot tall, 500 pound guy with a plastic spoon and both arms tied behind his back by the UN.

My opinion is this. If you're going to fight a war with rubber bullets, you might as well not fight the war at all. Either pull out or do what needs to be done to win. Otherwise, you're just getting people killed and wasting money.