Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Westerns, eh!?

Westerns are wrong. So wrong. Honestly, they're all the same. The main character's name may be Billy Bob, Billy Joe, Joey Bob, Joey Bill, or any other combination of stereotypical characters and names. He's always a virtuous guy who gets the chick in the end, defeats the bad guy in the final gunfight, etc. etc.
The Indians were not just random guys on horses running around slaughtering the innocent settlers. They weren't stupid. Any Indian tribes who had any contact with whites used guns. They didn't use bows and arrows up to 1900. They also didn't start scalping people. Believe it or not, that was a European practice they picked up. Yes, there were skirmishes, but not all Indians were warriors. There were probably more Indian women and children slaughtered by American militia than the other way around. Honestly.
Not to mention the women. There are either a whore or a "damsel in distress", or both. I sincerely doubt every single woman in the West during that time period fell into one or both of those categories.
Then again, people remember their history as they want to remember it. Many people deny the Holocaust never happened, we don't want to think about expansion or slavery, Germany doesn't want to remember their atrocities in WWII, Turkey refuses to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Stalin rewrote history with himself as the triumphant hero. The list goes on. Then again, the winners write the history books.

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