Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mr. Bean is back with more class than ever!

I somewhat recently went to the movies to go see Mr. Bean's Holiday Movie. Rather excited to see if he could match his past stupidity, I had high expectations for this movie. It met them, and more. When you combine one such as Mr. Bean and a snobby country like France, you can't go wrong.

The opening scene of Mr. Bean's Holiday Movie starts with Mr. Bean in a raffle for tickets to France. Reading his winning number upside down, he throws it away in disgust. It lands on a toy train and circles back to him, but right side up this time, and he jumps on it in glee and wins the raffle. At that point, I knew it was going to be a great movie. From dumping escargot into purses to walking across a highway in an outhouse, Bean has his old classic tricks but some new ones to boot. The entire movie is truly hilarious, but the end does turn out rather stale. Kinda the standard storybook ending, but maybe that's some sort of Bean-style irony.

1 comment:

DarkNovaBlade said...

decent, but it doesn't seem very long at all, just a few big points of the movie... also your picture is broken